Ease of Doing Business and Corruption

Ease of Doing Business Ranking –Brunei Darussalam ranks 4th among ASEAN nations behind Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. It has been ranked 16th in terms of ease of starting business globally, and is the 66theasiest country to do business in out of 190 countries in the world. It is also the easiest country to get credit in the entire world. Therefore new/potential businesses should factor these facts before making their decisions.

The following is the World Bank’s Ease of Doing report on Brunei-

IPRI Ranking– The following table summarizes the International Property Rights Index ranking for Brunei, along with its ranking for its Legal and Political Environment, Physical Property Rights and Intellectual Property Rights. Brunei according to this index has been categorized under the region Asia & Oceania. Brunei is ranked 98th out of 129 countries and has a score of 4.793.

To know more about these rankings refer to the following-

Perceived Transparency Score – After discussions between the Attorney General’s Chambers and the Anti-Corruption Bureau, amendments were made to the Prevention of Corruption Act in 2015. As a result of which the corrupt practices in Brunei reduced. From the given table we observe that Brunei is the second most transparent country in the ASEAN, with the only country ahead of it being Singapore. Further its Corruption Perceptions Index score in 2019, 60 is an improvement from its score in 2016 of 58. This corruption free environment is a boost for the businesses to carry out their activities without any problems.

To find out more on Brunei’s transparency scores over the years, click the link below: https://www.transparency.org/cpi2019


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