Ease of Doing Business Ranking –In the last few years the country has improved its rankings from 177th in 2014 to 165th in 2019. For the year 2019, the country has made noteworthy progress in several key areas and is amongst the top 20 reformers for the year. It has made remarkable improvement in its rankings for “starting a business” and “dealing with construction permits” categories. However, a lot still remains to be done specially to improve the rankings in “trading across the borders” category. According to the World Bank, doing business in Myanmar is still not very easy and the policy makers need to keep making efforts to improve.
IPRI Ranking – The data for Myanmar is not available.
Perceived Transparency Score – A perceived lack of transparency is one major obstacle standing in the way of Myanmar’s progress towards economic leadership. In 2019 Myanmar ranked 137in Transparency International’s Global Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), attaining a score of 28/100. The country gained two spots from the previous year. Along with Laos, Myanmar is the least transparent country among the ASEAN countries.
To find out more on Myanmar’s transparency scores over the years, click the link below: https://www.transparency.org/cpi2019
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